Tuesday 7 June 2011

Important Things to Consider Before Embarking on a Fitness Program

Many people have a great desire to incorporate fitness into their daily lives but do not know how to go about doing it. They have great intentions and expectations, however they lack the knowledge required to properly incorporate exercise into their routines. They know that something must be done in order to get into shape but with all the information available via the internet, television and the library, the task of sorting through it all can very daunting and even discouraging. Because of this abundance of “facts”, “figures” and propaganda many people often quit before they begin.

So where should you begin to ensure the best possible chance of success?

One of the most important things to do prior to any rigorous exercise program is to consult your doctor. Speak with them about your intentions and get a full physical, do not go blindly into a fitness regime without your doctors approval – this is especially true if you suffer from particular medical conditions or if you are an older individual. Remember safety first!

Once you have spoken to a medical professional you have to make the conscious decision to start exercising and eating right. Your own commitment to yourself is very important as fitness includes both the body and the mind. Preparing yourself mentally as well as physically will ultimately help with your success and create new fitness/lifestyle possibilities. You need to ask yourself why you are working out, when you will work out and what kind of foods you should/will be eating. It is important that you answer all of these questions mentally before starting your workouts. A lot of the time it also helps if you write down the questions and answers, that way not only do you have a mental commitment to yourself but you also have a physical representation of your intentions. The greater your resolve when you begin the greater your chances of success. Remember, when you begin any type of exercise program you have to commit both physically and mentally.

Proper research and information is also very important prior to an exercise regime. Most people begin working out in a haphazard fashion using bits and pieces of information gleaned from friends, family and random other sources. Take the time to find reputable sources and begin there. Be careful not to go overboard, start small and identify key concepts and programs. Do not lose focus; it is very easy to get discouraged with all the information available to you. If you are having trouble discerning what is relevant and what is not, it may be a good idea to hire a personal fitness trainer to help you begin. Often these individuals are quite knowledgeable and can give a great head start with your goals, your fitness level and with proper nutrition. Do not overlook the value of a personal trainer Edmonton.

The next step is to create a simple plan with realistic goals. Many people bite off more than they can chew in the beginning, get discouraged when they do not realize their goals and ultimately fail in their fitness endeavours. Do not let this be you! Instead take the time to plan out a simple routine that includes when and where you are going to workout and pick a single goal to concentrate on. This could be to eat healthier or to lose 5 pounds. Start small and with clear, attainable goals. Reaching ones goals makes people feel better about themselves and provides the encouragement to continue striving forward!

Now that you have a plan and some clear cut goals make sure to stick with it! In the beginning it may be hard to convince yourself to exercise, however if you continue to workout you will be surprised at how fast you are improving and you may even begin to enjoy the physical activity!

5 Great Ways to Boost Your Energy Level

Often times it is hard to find the energy to exercise, however by following these tips you may find that you have more than enough energy to include a full fledged fitness program.

Always eat Breakfast!

The first meal of the day is by far the most important one. It provides your body with the necessary energy to keep you going throughout the day. Not having enough time to eat is never an excuse to miss breakfast. If you are in a rush grab a fruit such as an apple or orange, eat an energy bar or at the very least drink a glass of juice before leaving the house. You will be surprised at the amount of increased energy you have just from eating breakfast – skip this meal at your own peril!

Eat Smaller Meals More Often.

Big meals often leave you feeling tired or sleepy whereas smaller, healthier meals often have the reverse effect of leaving you feeling revitalized. By eating a small snack every couple hours you will increase your energy levels throughout the day.


While this may sound counterintuitive, exercise actually helps you increase your energy level. Setting aside as little as fifteen minutes a day can have a vast impact on your daily energy, and will help make sure that you have enough energy to do a longer more intense workout.

Increase Water Intake.

Your body is mostly made up of water. If you are feeling run down and constantly tired it could be a sign of dehydration.  By maintaining proper hydration you will be surprised at how much energy you will suddenly possess.

Decrease Caffeine Intake.
A lot of people enjoy drinking a cup of coffee in the morning, in the afternoon or throughout the day. While coffee tastes good and gives a temporary boost to your attentiveness, it also has the adverse effect of decreasing water levels and increasing your heart rate. Also, if you drink coffee often enough your body may become accustomed to having it just to maintain regular energy levels and leave you feeling lethargic without its consumption.

Following these 5 tips can help ensure you have the energy required to undertake a proper fitness program.